Smart Drinking

Our Philosophy
We launched our Global Smart Drinking Goals — a set of programs and initiatives focused on shifting social norms, consumer behaviors, and our own business practices — in order to make a tangible contribution to the reduction of harmful use of alcohol globally.
Developed alongside public health officials, these goals reflect our belief in evidence-based solutions and that independent, rigorous and transparent measurement and evaluation are key to progress. Our goals are also designed to be collaborative and evolving. Working in partnership with public health bodies, civil society, and governments, we aim to implement evidence-based approaches, uncover new ways to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, and act upon them. Our intent is not only to use the knowledge generated by this work to improve our own efforts and business practices, but also to share what we learn with others.
Smart Drinking Goals
Beer has been part of cultures around the world for thousands of years, and we believe that every experience with beer should be a positive one. We’re a global company, brewing beers and building brands that will continue to bring people together for a better world for the next 100 years and beyond. This relies on thriving communities across the globe where harmful drinking no longer presents a social challenge. Our Smart Drinking commitments, and the beliefs that underpin them, will help make this vision a reality.

We believe that harmful consumption of alcohol is bad for our consumers, our colleagues, our families, our communities, and our business……And that means, we take seriously our responsibility to help reduce and prevent the harmful use of alcohol across the world.
We believe in and share the WHO and UN Sustainable Development Goals’ ambition to reduce the harmful use of alcohol by 10% by 2025…… And that means, we have set ambitious Global Smart Drinking Goals for ourselves.
We believe in evidence-based solutions and that independent measurement and evaluation are key to progress…And that means, the AB InBev Foundation is promoting evidence-based approaches through the public health experts and independent evaluators they are working with, who will have full autonomy as they publish their results in reputable journals.
We believe that providing consumers with high-quality No- and Low-Alcohol beers (NABLAB) can play an important role in reducing harmful consumption…And that means we are developing a NABLAB marketing strategy that will give consumers choices and support better patterns of alcohol consumption.
We believe when you drive you should never drink…And that means, we fully support all targeted legislation and enforcement measures that have been shown to reduce impaired driving, including strict mandatory BAC limits in every country.
We believe in helping consumers understand why and how alcohol should be consumed within limits…And that means, we are working with partners to develop and implement evidence-based means of increasing alcohol literacy among consumers.
We believe the way we market our products matters and must be responsible…And that means, we work hard to ensure our marketing does not target underage consumers, reflects good taste and decency, and does not idealize harmful alcohol consumption or behaviors.
We believe that our products are not to be consumed by under-aged drinkers...… And that means, we promote, support and implement programs, public policies and campaigns to prevent, discourage, and reduce underage drinking.
We believe there is more work to do and that we don’t have all the answers…… And that means, we collaborate with public health experts, governments and other partners who are willing to work with us, and listen to those with ideas for how we can accelerate or improve our progress.