Water Stewardship - AB InBev Efes

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Water Stewardship

Water Stewardship

Water more than just a key ingredient in our beer, water is a critical resource for the economic, social and environmental well-being of our communities.
We brew our beers at the highest level of water efficiency and we continually challenge ourselves to do even more.
But the scale of the global water challenge is bigger than we are. That is why we are looking beyond our own operations and improving high-risk watersheds in the areas where we operate. Our ultimate goal is to ensure water access and quality for both our communities and our breweries.
Doing this takes hard work and collaboration. Together with local authorities, other water users, and partners such as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC), we continue to invest financial and technical resources into green infrastructure initiatives, conservation and reforestation projects, habitat restoration efforts, and improved water infrastructure.
These partners share our belief that measurable impact at scale is the next frontier in water stewardship. With reliable benchmarks, we can drive meaningful improvements across all of our sites and share our knowledge with other companies, governments and partners.

“Springs renovation” is an All-Russia project that aims to secure access to clean potable water. Over 80 springs were taken care of all over Kaluga Region within 9 years of this initiative. Social investments exceeded RUB 4,000,000. Renovation involves construction operations to clean the water sources and to make access to the springs more convenient for the locals.