Fair competition and business ethics
Fair competition and business ethics

Fair competition and business ethics
Being one of the biggest breweries, we are taking our responsibility to comply with applicable anti-corruption and competition laws seriously. No financial objective, no sales target, no effort to outdo the competition, outweighs our commitment to ethics, integrity, and compliance with applicable law. In order to enforce the fair competition, AB InBev Efes maintaining the robust antitrust compliance program to ensure the preventive control of Company’s activities.
Being responsible and ethical Company, AB InBev Efes strives to provide a clear and comprehensive procedure of transparent selection of counterparties.
Business Partners
AB InBev Efes is committed to upholding highest standards of responsible behaviour, integrity and ethics in its operations and expects a similar commitment amongst its Business Partners. Business Partners wherever they produce materials or perform services for AB InBev Efes are required to adhere to the standards Responsible Sourcing Policy and comply with local, national and supranational laws.