Code of Business Conduct and Corruption Control - AB InBev Efes

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Code of Business Conduct and Corruption Control

Code of Business Conduct and Corruption Control

Code of Business Conduct and Corruption Control

The highest ethics standards at AB InBev Efes are based on Company’s principles. We never take shortcuts. Integrity, hard work, quality, and responsibility are key to building our company. Saying that, we are doing the right things being absolutely transparent, which result in positive impact on our values and strengthen the reputation of the Company. The employees are expected to share the commitment to the principles and honest business practices. We also expect our business partners to share and adhere to the same principles while doing business.

Code of Business Conduct 

Chasing  our Dream, we remain committed to the highest standards of integrity,  transparency and business ethics. We always strictly comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Each and every employee of AB InBev Efes must be honest, objective and diligent in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. They are trusted by the Company to exhibit professionalism in all matters pertaining to Company’s affairs and not to partake in any illegal or improper activity.


Human Rights

We recognize the responsibility of the business community to respect human rights, and we seek to promote human rights as we strive to make the world a better place. As a signatory to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, we are committed to business practices that respect human rights and that align with various international standards of responsible business conduct.

Anticorruption provisions

AB InBev has a zero tolerance policy toward bribery and corrupt conduct in any form. Improper inducements involving Public Officials, customers, suppliers, and all other counterparties are strictly prohibited. The Company’s Business Partners are expected to comply with anti-corruption laws in every jurisdiction where they conduct their business. AB InBev Efes may terminate or restrict relationships with Business Partners where we unilaterally identify corruption issues or government relationships that have not been transparently disclosed to us. AB InBev Efes reserves the right to withhold making or reimbursing any payments that violate applicable anti-corruption laws.

Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality

The Company requires its employees to comply with applicable laws and uphold the highest ethics and business conduct standards. AB InBev Efes sets rigid rules: no employee of this Company shall accept any gifts or other signs of hospitality. AB InBev Efes partners should always note, that any gifts offered to employees of the Company will be perceived as an attempt of the unfriendly influence and constitute a breach of the Anti-corruption Policy.